The Society's members are kept informed by the AEC Society Gazette, which is published four times a year and contains news about AECs still in service, vehicles and spares for sale, together with members' articles about their experiences with AEC vehicles.
To subscribe to the Gazette all you need to do is join the AEC Society, the £20 joining fee includes 4 copies of the Gazette.
The latest Gazette should have dropped onto your doormats by now.
- Society Officers
- Editorial
- Bob Gearing visits the Cherwell Bus Preservation Group
- Raymond Walls collection added to the Society archive
- AECs still in service
- Inside Walthamstow
- Bobby Graham's Reliance becomes a film star
- the Grenville chassis
- Militant tanker restoration part 4
- Road to Morocco - Reliance road test
- Member discount on howard Berry's AEC single deck book
- Rally details
- Merchandise

The Gazette Wants Your Articles
The AEC Society Gazette is in need of a constant supply of material to keep its readers satisfied each quarter. If you have a story to tell, PLEASE tell it!
- Did you work at AEC, or with AEC's?
- Have you restored or are you restoring an AEC?
Please send your emails to ... asap!